missionaries, however, made the incorrect assumption that British or American
culture was civilised and godly, while the people they were trying to reach
lived in un-civilised, un-godly cultures. The result was that,
along with the Gospel, they imposed a foreign culture.
In all
cultures, there are things that are good and things that are not so good. Even
in Aussie culture, we can identify some good things(eg, a sense of fairness,
equality for all, mateship) and some bad things (eg, alcohol abuse, gambling,
negative attitudes towards authority.)
are now much more conscious of their own cultural blindspots. This enables them
to see redemptive features in the cultures where they are working. In other
words, they find the customs and rituals that actually point to Christ. God
loves diversity and He has an infinite range of expressions for His truth. The
Word of God then clarifies and explains these things, pointing people to God
the Father, creator of all things, and to Christ, the one and only Saviour.
missionaries should indeed bring new culture wherever they go. But it must be
Christian culture, not the culture of their home lands. And they should pray
constantly for wisdom to understand this vital difference!